Tuesday 9 June 2015

What is real.

The Heads of Government have just finished the meeting of the 7 Nations in Germany. One meeting, three versions of the meeting depending on which 'news channel' you tune into.
RT the Russian news service designed to broadcast to a Western Audience, from the Russian stand point.
AlJazeera also designed to feed the West with a news service that evaluates the news from a Middle Eastern point of view, and then there is our own set of domestic news services' which decides what it feels we should see and is geared to selling the viewer what it wishes the viewer to know.
So you takes your pick. It is one more instance of the confusion we are faced with in trying to understand this complex world we live in. Of course there is too much information, too many variables, too much dark and light. With all the amateur, smart phone equipped, reporters snapping the immediate event as it happened feeding us more confusion we are in overload !!
So is too much, too much, is the complexity of our personal lives enough,do we start to do ourselves damage and become 'insensitive' to everything, other than a small very personal group.
Do we begin to discount others, distancing ourselves in ways that is not supportive of society as a whole and even worse, being blind to the larger problems of mankind.
Part of being well rounded is to regularly engage with other people and recognise that there is a common threads running through all societies. This common thread is what ties our humanity together and without 'understanding and compassion', be it for the poor or disabled, for people like ourselves who throughout their lives experience many ups and downs, or by birth, they are fed a lifetimes exposure to awful conditions under which they have to lead their lives.
Perhaps the problem is "expectations", those picture postcard selfies that we carry around in our head depicting ourselves as we would wish to be seen by others, imaginary, part memory part fantasia an amalgam but fake !
Reality on the other hand is good, it's earthy its cut from the same cloth as we are cut it has a texture that is familiar and a set of norms that are close to ours. It places dreams in the same drawer as a win on the lottery. It's not to say our dreams won't be realised but if not, then the result is still a rich experience and fully fulfilling.

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