Wednesday 3 June 2015


Am I wasting time when I read a book ? Should time only be used up for the addition of things to be accumulated, be it money or favours.
But just what is "time" for ?

To the Protestant minded person with a diet for Reformation and renewal, time is not ours to squander but should in all things be serious and mindful.
To the Hippy, time is for the birds who fly high to look down, be separate. Time is for exploration through 'substance' to find nirvana.
To the man waiting for the bus, time is divided between the amount he is discarding waiting, and the imaginary time he expects to have at his destination.
To the person on their deathbed, time is a cruel commodity, not enough left but what is left is unbearably painful, saying goodbye to all he loves and knows.
To Omar Khayyam time is impertinent, "Open then the doors you know not how little time we have one once departed may return no more". For Khayyam the answer was wine !!
Whether we are afraid of time, because we feel we don't have enough, or are bored because we feel we have too much, time is relevant to our mood and our mental architecture. In the end it's this architecture, they way we have constructed our lives, perhaps the importance of recognising that we are but a leaf blown on the air currents without much control, other than becoming an ascetic.  Plain foolish to worry, 'time will have its way with us come what may'. 

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