Sunday 22 September 2024

The future is in heaven.

 Subject: The future is in heaven.

Currently the Chancellor of the Exchequer is holding out the prospect of tax cuts in a bid to entice voters to vote for the Conservative Party, is this responsible or reprehensible given we already are over three trillion pounds in debt and tax cuts are simply designed to encourage the recipient of the cut to go out and spend in an attempt to generate the ‘tax take’ from the extra spending.

As we teeter towards recession which will inevitably encourage a hike in the cost of borrowing we continue our whack a mole politics with no clear plan other than to respond to crisis with popular slogans designed to deflect critics when questioning “how will we get there”, but the how is always lost in the reasoning since politically it’s unpleasant medicine and democracy is not designed for unpleasantness.

How they must long for Putins totalitarian approach or Xi Jinping's absolute authority in Whitehall, no balancing public opinion or the rights of minorities, just the cane if anyone steps out of line.

Has democracy seen its day in our troubled world. The surety of capitalisms financial gains and what it should have meant to the masses, now scooped up into smaller and smaller pots with the financially bloated recipients unable to comprehend their wealth in terms of ordinary people. The ambition of the people now swallowed up in jackpot mysticism instead of rational goals on which a persons sense of self worth is founded.

As war becomes a topic in the vein of that at the turn of the 19th century and with leaders such as Kim Jong Un or Ruhollah Khomeini holding a nuclear option over our heads, the talk of placing the country on a war footing, at least logistically is doing the rounds once more. But this time we are emotionally so much more unprepared after years of pronouncing on ‘our rights’ how will conscription and a call to arms be accepted. Perhaps in a nuclear war it will all be over ‘in a flash’ before there is a call to arms to man the barricades since the barricades are vaporised along with us and only a specialised group will have survived. Everything will be contaminated, except perhaps the oceans, all the petty ills we suffer will be as nothing in our brave new world order, our sons and daughters and our grandchildren will be wasted by some megalomaniac who believes the future is in heaven.  

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