Sunday 22 September 2024

Questions but few answers

 Subject: Questions but few answers

There are a growing list of questions which we can't ask in public. There is the old legal question of not shouting "Fire" in a theatre for fear of creating panic and then there are the limits imposed on not calling someone something which is provably untrue for which the courts on deformation and libel may be called upon to rule but there is today an audience waiting to be upset on your use of language. That undistinguished group of self sympathetic, hard done by under achievers who wish for sympathetic  acknowledgement , mainly for themselves, who see slights all around in a world of their making, a world of perpetual dissatisfaction not only with their gender allocation but their need to play the innocent when the stakes are high. The motion of the stars used to proclaim the infinite direction mankind would take, we were a projection of our star sign, Scorpio for single mindedness, Libra for honesty, Aquarius for high intellect as we assumed our celestial calling, but the question "what does it mean to be human" and how do we define being human without trying to imagine what it's like to be a horse or a dog, still less an ant is clearly beyond most of us. Narcissism  inflicts upon us a self centred identity in which  we largely only identify, like with like in a world which is jam full of prognosticators many of whom I personally do not wish to identify with.

Aristotle defined democracy as the “ability to discuss and consider views other than their own” but in this over sensitive world, all too willing to take umbrage when using over simplified  communication systems without the self control of how to read between the lines.

Much of the anger is false, or at least generated to signal a response for which we hope to be counted as a member. For instance many of the marchers on our streets would be hard pressed to give a rational explanation 'not to why they are there' but rather the reason for the history which brought the dilemma in the first place. During the support for Palestine, many of the street marchers in this country when interviewed were very sketchy about the history of Palatine vis a vis Israel.

It's the same with religious bias which becomes racial when juxtaposing east and west and it doesn't help to describe the friction away by saying we are all the same. Of course in many ways we are but our cultures make us different, in some cases almost pathologically so. Even simple matters such as potty training are different with religious laws dating back hundreds of years proclaiming  edicts from god and which, intolerant of the other person, provide the tinder for religious wars to be fought.

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