Sunday 22 September 2024

Holding your nose to truth.

 Subject: Holding your nose to truth.

It’s 3am and my mind is a whirl of thoughts, it’s like a dog howling to be let out for a pee or better still defecating on the pages of my blog the simple unpleasant truths of which most people wish to ignore or hold their nose as if it weren’t true. At 3 in the morning  the world is more in-focus and not confused by the 'things to do' only the 'things to think'.

The tussle in our courts, not only of the Post masters/mistresses seeking justice from the Post Office but today, the sentence of manslaughter handed down to a deranged man who armed himself with a knife and violently stabbed three people in a rampage on the streets of Nottingham. His plea was that he heard voices which convinced him to kill and in law, if the balance of your mind has become unbalanced then you can't be held accountable for your actions. It reminded me of talking to a psychiatrist in one of the secure mental hospitals in East London where I had a contract to install some electronic equipment I asked "aren't you concerned working in the hospital amongst potentially dangerous people.  No was his reply, I know these people here in the hospital and can read the signs, out on the street moving amongst the public I have no way of telling if the man or woman approaching me is due for a breakdown and could become deranged but I wasn't convinced that the professional psychiatrist is up to the task of judging the mind with any degree of certainty and their decision to hold or release a person is pretty arbitrary.

The mind has many routes to travel in its circlular-combobulation from morning to night, even in our sleep it slithers and slides, it trips and stumbles but only rarely defines its objective. Recently I have tried to follow the implications of a multi universe seen through the actions of string theory, vibrating energy strings which define the essence of energy. Surprisingly I've become a fan of 'You Tube', a place where these elemental multi universe theories are argued in some detail and, along with my political interests, is a place to hear reasoned argument from the likes of Rory Stewart and Yanis Veriakis. It’s rapidly becoming an essential waterhole to go to and seek some sort of mental refreshment.

The arguments are speculative but since there is no way to verify the speculation we are left wondering, much as we were before we started but at least as a exercise in mental acuity it doesn’t take the old religious hypothesis for granted and makes the ideas which flow from non religious speculation to a new level.

The sound of the wind rattling  the glass in the window ties one’s sense of security down to a fairly small compass, your home but in the sub molecular world in which we are founded security takes on a whole different meaning. Our sense of being hinges on our comprehension that we are real even if that reality is largely in the mind and part of our consciousness but that state of consciousness still relies on the chemical and electrical interactions in the brain. So we have to have this sense of the me tied to synapse’s activity before I can think thoughts to describe the me. Without that activity I am dead and being dead I cease to be, other than a meme of someone else’s synapse activity

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