Sunday 22 September 2024

Public opinion 2024/25

Subject: Public opinion 2024/25


So how are we to look forward to the new year, the following one and the one after that with so much of our overall security in disarray. It's not only the wars which are horrible enough now brought into focus through the lens of thousands of a publicly enterprising cameras ready and waiting to capture the mayhem and publish their efforts on the web
but the solemnity of a private life is becoming more difficult year by year as we take on the plight of a donkey, a caged bear or the dreadful carnage, not only in Gaza or Mariupol but the economic disparity in Mumbai or Bangladesh, the economic cloning of its citizens in China and the severity of displacement around the world as people are primed to look for new pastures and this is my latest offering on our diet of 24/7 news gathering and non stop punditry.
Of course a well tried antidote to the mayhem is the fresh air of a camping holiday well away from any WiFi signal, a reconnect with ones personal world unabashed by ideological criticism in a world which we ourself own and defend.
The compilation of insightful thoughts which arise in our own heads, without the precursor of hysterical noise brought about by others is a wonder to behold. Thoughts which arise in the dead of night or as you awake before the clutter of the first news broadcast breaks through and destroys the crystal clear thoughts that you had assembled in the wee small hours. An array of words and descriptive prose built in an attempt to separate the complexity of the human condition into boxes each box containing a set of parameters not outlandish supposition. Wonderful words with their equally wonderful ability to allow a shift of a few degrees in meaning. It's like painting as the artist mixes his colours to change the temperature of the portraiture  by melding a little aqua blue into the storm clouds building on the horizon.  

We are currently being seduced to drive at 20mph, perhaps tomorrow at 15mph, a slow drip drip incursion into having to give way to the 'big brother' of government or special interest opinion which now govern our lives. 

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