Saturday 9 December 2023

We are a strange lot


Subject: Fwd: We are a strange lot

We humans are a strange species, we industrially cull other mammals for food and yet spend enormous amounts of energy maintaining wildlife and caring for them. We evolve complicated legal protection for human beings and then send them off to die in battles which should be negotiated peacefully. It’s as if we suffer from collective schizophrenia, knowing what’s good but determined not to try harder. 
In virtually all walks of life we are in turmoil, either the personal patronising assumptions we hold of others from our observance of the society around us in which we  often lack the ability to find someone to collaborate and share with.
The complexity of thought and the source from where those thoughts originate make gelling difficult and often disappointing because although you start at the same point you soon veer off course driven by cultural, philosophical differences or the perennial gender quandary of being just different. One of the most confusing agendas we have chosen for ourselves is the amazingly generous view we have, that we are all the same and must find ways to prove it. We tie ourselves in knots to find answers to this conundrum ‘that we are all essentially the same’. 
The cells which cluster in the uterus at the point of procreation are feminine and for the first five weeks or so remain un- contaminated by the influence of any sort of masculinity until the genes, associated within the Y chromosome begin to assert themselves and start, in approximately 52% of the population, the formation of testes. Men and women therefore start out the same, (feminine) even if nature soon bestows on us different routes and assigns us different roles.
If the genetic/chromosomic mix, the blue print of our biological make up, we are prone to marginal  chemical variations and are not set in some immutable god given formula. The human race is clearly prejudiced if it believes there is some sort of secure  format to determine what should be what when it comes to gender rather a little more of this and a little less of that, is crucial and reinforces the uniqueness of each individual person. The anomaly of a man trapped in a woman’s body or a woman in a man’s body is statistically normal, given the complexity of finding the chemical balance anyway and when, for ignorant reasons commentators ridicule someone for believing that a man can adopt the persona and drives of a woman or a woman a man’s characteristic if they lack a uterus or a testes because natures provision of the apparatus still requires, in the end, the mental drive to make use of it. 
Notice I am not talking of ‘sex‘ or the sex drive, which itself is artificial and much of which living in the mind can flip flop all over the place.
The current debate, along the lines of a person defining for themselves which gender they are, irrespective of their genitalia has at its source this unique origination and the chemical interpretation at the moment when the sperm cracks onto the egg.  It’s only the anomalous nature of the male and the female which sets in motion this life long series of differential tasks and outcomes on which our society is based.

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