Sunday 10 December 2023

An inevitable decline


An inevitable decline.

Does a country have any rights and obligations towards its own citizens or should it always bow to treaty and obligations which were arrived at to deal with other nationalities as part of a group of nations which for many reasons define their obligations to a wider audience than the one at home.
Of course the concept of home becomes more opaque as time passes and the continuous influx of outside influence, customs and upbringing which can clash with an indigenous generations assumptions of what is  right and wrong. We are racked with confusion by classifying everyone ‘the same’. We see the economic pitfalls of welcoming everyone as a brother whilst refusing my real brother a loan to cover that investment he has just made. We are told the infusion of new blood into the society will enrich us as these new comers become the working, tax paying backbone of the country, ignoring the fact that we have to train them and their children first in an educational environment which leaks like a sieve having failed to educate the previous generation, the ones who’s grandparents were born here and who poorly treated by the establishment and look around confused by the claims of responsibility to the group who’s own children are isolated on an educational fringe and left emotionally and numerically illiterate. Pushed and pulled by the people who have access to our policy makers, pommelled by guilt leadened educators, recognising only the mistakes that ideological certitude has allowed to become a ‘tenant of faith’, irrespective of the huge failure a poorly equipped parent offers their child these days, parents who find themselves helpless to address problems having fostered their child to Tick-Tock.
Of course the composition of our society, will never be the same. The new hero’s will come, not from the Crusades but from the other side. A socially disciplined tight knit group who insist their children do their homework whilst we simply struggle to get them to attend school at all. The achievers come from the Indian and Asian community and whilst the Establishment continues to measure merit only in jobs which are guided by university grades, our own kids will fail and be relegated to second, possibly third class citizens, and that’s before AI mops up any remaining employment they might find.

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