Sunday 10 December 2023

Tarnished by the glint of gold

Subject: Tarnished by the first glint of gold

Have you not reached that stage of disgust with our government at the weekend news of a number of triathletes being laid low after swimming in the sea off Sunderland's Roker Beach.
High levels of E. coli were found in the water, a direct result of under investment by the water companies since we left the stringency of EU water regulation. We were warned before Brexit that water pollution would be one of the first to decline since you can’t expect businessman to spend unless they are monitored and coerced into doing so. It’s the unholy image of the water company diverting shareholder dividends to the task at of repair and maintenance  and it’s an image even more difficult to comprehend  if the government has come to rely on these shareholders for a financial donation to the Party Coffers.  Is it any wonder the water pollution has increased when the companies given the task of repairing and modernising an aging sewage system resorted to pouring effluent into the rivers and seas which under a European remit, we had largely stopped 25 years ago.  Unfortunately as soon as we left the pesky preview  of Brussels having swallowed the dreadful guff of the pro Brexiteers.  Today it’s  E. coli, tomorrow heaven only knows having believed the propaganda of the ‘4th estate’ which simply acted as the government mouthpiece.
Fortunes were made and continue to be made by a select few and we are now at the mercy of a quasi government body initially set up to monitor water purity but long ago stopped doing so as private enterprise took over and rest is history !!
As a country  we desperately need a headmaster with a clear unambiguous rule book and a taste for handing out the birch to the miscreant such as the water company’s. The malaise has spread to the running of our prisons, and our trains, the postal service, and the general maintenance of our national infrastructure  Free enterprise has failed, competition has failed, honesty and ethics went out of the window long gone.  

We need individuals who are not in the employ of the companies tasked with providing a service instead we need  representatives of the people who care about the services and who can’t turn to a private supplier and who haven’t been tarnished by the first glint of gold. 

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