Thursday 28 November 2019

Colonialism by another name

Subject: Colonialism by another name.

With the sudden removal or Evo Moralise from the governance of Bolivia, in an election campaign which bares the hallmark of outside interference we once again are led to the conclusion that American colonialism is at the heart of it all. The overthrow of Saddam Hassain in Iraq was dressed up as overthrowing a tyrant and ushering in western style democracy whilst evidence leads us to the conclusion that American avarice and the control of Iraqi oilfields by Dick Cheney and his friends was nearer the truth. 
Cuba a county which had broken the Munro Doctrine rule by which no country on the South American continent is allowed to pursue any radical ideological deviance from that demanded by Washington, was brutally castigated and forced into economic  isolation through the confiscation of trade routes and their ability to obtain financial assistance in the worlds financial markets, which incidentally are controlled by America. Venezuela, Chile, Columbia and Peru, the concern that radical left wing governance of these countries invoked the right of Washington to interfere in what ever way it chose to unseat those legitimate governments which had won their way to power through the ballot box was part of the doctrine, America First. The revolutionary, Che Guevara in Argentina and then in Bolivia was the synthesis of all America feared in a leader, a leader who rejected the exploitation of the people through foreign held investment and who played havoc with the US insistence on the tidy symmetry of the external plunder of a countries natural resource, practiced by the USA.
The Soviets also in overrunning independent countries on their borders after the Second World War and now the current Chinese, almost silent assimilation of the capital resources in so many countries around the world (including our own) are examples of the colonialism for which only the British have so far been derided. 
Self preservation has a sensible ring to it and one could perhaps use the case to justify the Jewish aggression on their boarders but the exploitation of the countries in South America, or the brutal Satalinisation  of the Balkans and countries adjoining, such as Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and the Ukraine have no cheerleaders these days, other than their own sense of entitlement. The case against China is still out as to whether it is benign or could turn aggressive but the wholesale buying up of the 'means of production' leaves the financial invader in a powerful position for the future.
We in this country on the other hand divvy up the few billions we have in an effort to secure votes knowing that in the "first past the post", "winner takes all" system, where democracy is a misunderstood concept and leaves millions of people unrepresented by the political system. Swathes of people are effectively  disenfranchised, locked out from political representation  until a fresh election comes around  in five years time by which time not only the hideous buying of votes on promises which bare little or no hope of coming to fruition is resumed but which, in the same timescale, the lives of millions may be ruined.

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