Thursday 28 November 2019

Brave New World

Subject: Brave New World.

It's been a blow to Corbyn and the Labour Party to hear the announcement that Nigel Farage has decided only to contest Labour held seats and not to put up candidates from his Brexit Party against the Conservatives.
It's a heavy blow to Labour who felt that the Brexit voter although diluting its potential vote would do the same for the Torys and in many cases might let in the election of a Labour MP to an otherwise safe Tory seat.
The announcement that Farage was fielding 600 candidates from his party must have sent shivers through the Boris camp since both Farage and Boris were contesting for the same vote, people those who unequivocally wanted us to leave the EU.
So now we have a further crystallisation of this unusual general election, an election predominated by one specific policy decision and the continuing demonisation of Jeremy Corbyn as a communist, terrorist sympathising anti-Christ who's sympathetic humanitarian policies which focus on the plight of the ever increasing plight of the poor and the needy, and with a fundamental swing away from the neo-liberalism of the past years towards a State involved, investment led consideration that the State is us and we should have some say in the way the main Service Industries like Water and Gas, the Trains and the Care Industry, and some Infrastructure  Projects away from London, should be run with strong State involvement. This electoral race which is stupidly promising everything to everybody is electioneering at its worst and whilst for instance under the Tory's, wages in the Public Sector have fallen to levels last seen 10 years ago in 2009, the productivity and the skill base in many of our industries has been allowed to diminish making us uncompetitive with those nations we will soon be competing with, including the Europeans. An interesting example of Britain's reluctance of the private sectors unwillingness to take over the ailing British Steel. First a Turkish and now a Chinese company have offered the cash to modernise the plant and make it competitive. It's the all too often image of a British company which has not kept up with reinvestment in the plant preferring shareholder dividends to putting part of the profits back into the company infrastructure. The others reason British Steel has failed is because of the extremely high cost of electricity and the equally high business rates which compared to its competitors overseas where in industries such as the steel industry subsidies are provided. I have no doubt that now British Steel is no longer British the government will make the requisite subsidies available.
I can't see how Corbyn's stature as a future PM can survive given the unabated onslaught against him by the right wing press. Every morning the headlines are the same, a demonisation of his character and his political belief. It's an orchestrated barrage of innuendo the like of which has not been seen since the castigation of Micheal Foot, another left wing politician who's image was demolished by the same press. 
Our whole political system needs an overhaul with the disproportional 'first past the post' method of deciding how the votes are allocated leaves many voters disenfranchised since, irrespective of how popular a party is countrywide, unless the voters are corralled into one electoral district their political preference is obliterated by the weight given across the country to the two main parties.
Anyway it looks like the ideological dislike of the EU whipped up over the years by the press and the equally vernal distortion of what Corbyn stands for, with the added caveat  that the press has a stake in the continuation of the status quo, seals our fate.  
Its presentation of what Corbyn's ideas regarding the inadequate provision in the schools and the squalid living conditions for many of the electorate are ignored in favour of the publics appetite for good old character assassination. 
Personality politics is at play.  The serious politically left leaning, people caring man versus the clown jester. With a population of gullible, short attention span, pleasure seeking people, the news papers and the media in general are having a field day with fake news outweighing real news by a factor of five to one.
A dystopian view no doubt but with the revelation  of a 'AI' data base on all of us, bonding and manipulating us in true Orwellian fashion, guiding our preferences into silos where like cattle we are fed just the right amount of propaganda to keep us happy.
Brave New Wold indeed.

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