Thursday 28 November 2019

A dystopian world

Subject: A dystopian world 

Events can conspire and planets aline. This weekend was the occasion of my birthday but only 19 days before, another birthday produced a gorgeous little girl and as she lay in my arms swathed in her shawl and romper suit, gurgling and whimpering in her sleep what dreams was she having and what dreams to come. 
It's acknowledged that the speed of change, both in the technology which connects us and the robotic assistance which already reduces the potential for human work is racing away, effectively out of control as regards the ordinary man or woman in the street. The prospect of severe climate change and the effect it will have on not only coastal regions around the world with flooding but rainfall and heat which will radically change the way we grow our food. 
Every generation has faced change. The wars in Europe brought not only death and deprivation but a deep uncertainty as to the future. The changes were from a mainly agrarian society to a factory led environment where thousands of people were required to become the interlink between the machines and their output and meant that the human aspect, being a human being, was diminished becoming nothing more than a cog in the manufacturing process. Satanic mills with their noise and pollution, corralling the men and women who worked in the mill into little more than human robots. Now the factories which produce things on a large scale are introducing actual robots as an interface in the high precision processes required to manufacture to tolerances which would defeat most humans. Replacing people with machine learnt Artificial Intelligence, a method of learning the best way to do a specific task by storing the data, nano second by nano second, in a sense reflecting and improving the process as each job is completed. The limits become the mechanical limits, the thinking, if it can be described as thinking, becomes an algorithm or a iteration.
Where does the human consciousness fit into this picture of mechanistic endeavour. Where do the people who are born today and who will have to fit into this intensely fast moving world of change, change sort by the demands, not of a compassionate fellow human but by the insensibilities of a self learning machine. 
It's not only in the job market but even more fundamentally on who and how we trust those who in previous decades we had respected, if not always agreed with but who now seem hell bent on telling us only what they assume we want to hear, the truth and real politic discarded for bluff and speculation. Trump is caught out putting pressure on a foreign leader to inform on his political opponent is seemingly ok with millions of Americans. Our own Boris Johnson is accused of using rate payers money to fund a woman he fancies, in her business. He clearly has little grasp of any of the detail he is pontificating on as he tours the country, for him truth is an unnecessary inconvenience but his followers continue to grow.
What happened in either country to moral certitude. What happened to common sense and the ability when smelling a rat, turn up ones nose.
A dystopian world indeed.

Sent from my iPad

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