Sunday 12 March 2017

Trumps trumpet

Subject: Trumps trumpet.

It could be argued that the loosening of the reigns of power away from the old Establishment in America which includes the power of the Fourth Estate (the media) and even the fundamentalism of the Republican Party, with its unwavering support for Wall St, perhaps all these things give the Trump Presidency some leeway to do what it appears to be doing.
America has since the war pursued a role of being World arbitrator, either by raw military power or the power of the dollar and a willingness to insist on a financial structure manipulated by the IMF and the World Bank which drew nations in to interdependence.
Backing this financial hegemony was the determination to inflict on nations Americas  concept of democracy and free elections, removing the leaders it thought who were barking  at its grand design.
Americas fingers were everywhere as it sought to kick start economies along the lines of a, rule driven, legally binding construct. This world view ensured that 'America first' in so far as the electorate at home was replaced by the Wall Street ideology of Globalisation with the nation state taking a back seat to the Multinational Company.

 Trump has a massive job on his hands extricating America from its commitments. His followers at home need the industries brought back. The focus changed from outward to more inward. A realignment of liberalism towards a pragmatic assumption that ones own family comes first.
The forces stacked against him are huge with an enormous socially conscious middle class America having been persuaded, much as in this country, that "human rights" are sovereign and trump (no pun intended) all other rights. 
The rights of the individual has led to the growth in an amazing diversity when describing what an individual actually is. All kinds of strange groups now people the new human canvas (like the abstract art of Jackson Pollock). 
Daily new pronouncements form ever new groups, groups who can prove through chemical aberration a difference and who seek to define themselves by either their proclivity or more often, by string of letters which reflect the long chemical name to which they are now branded. 
The phenomenon of "My rights trump your rights" has produced a state of confusion,  a polyglot of principled intention, a libertarianism 'the acknowledgement that all people have absolute liberty and should be intrinsically free from State interference',  has produced a State which interferes just to ensure that people are free.   It's this State intervention which causes so much angst since there will inevitably be as many who oppose your abrogation as support it. 
The weight of the democratic appeal for all men and women to be placed on an equal footing, world wide is an almost impossible task other than as a philosophical statement.
Trumps appeal to the "rust belt" has been to bring the philosophy back down to earth and bring some pragmatic reality back into the political equation.
His first task is to unsettle the surety of the Establishment by behaving irrationally. 
The Tweets and his condemnation of those lofty pillars of state the Legal and the Intelligence fraternity as well as the Media are meant to unsettle to discombobulate the political class.
A shake up is no bad thing (a thought I cling to as Brexit moves closer) since the surety any establishment has in its past way of doing things can only encourage the embalmer  to preserve something which is dead and needs burying.
The recent disaster of the banking system, which was predicated on Globalisation and a   dislocation of national authority has brought "Populism" out of its closet  (with its cousin Fascism), and seeks to claw back the National resolve. 
"Trumps trumpet" seeks to reassure those who have listened to the plight of others far away on the other side of the world and have asked, "but what about us"  that he will bring their plight back where it belongs centre stage in the political discourse.
Whether it is the con of all cons is yet to be seen but GM pulling out of Europe is a start.

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