Monday 6 March 2017

A comfort blanket

Subject: A comfort blanket.

Listening to a discussion regarding such faiths as, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, one is amazed that in the 21st century, we, with all our scientific knowledge and our ability to test any hypothesis by examination, are left with millions upon millions of people who profess such a surety in the magic of faith.

 Faith in many ways is static, a story set in aspic.  It follows different historical texts written by various patriarchal propagandists who refer to their personal revelation, through a conduit to god.  Mankind has had difficulty in describing god and the part belief plays in the interface which seeks to answer that most difficult concept, the challenge of proving and measuring a hypothesis described as "a belief in god".
If God is a concept used to describe the 'unknown', even the 'unknowable', and is based on a blind leap of faith then much of what follows is supposition. To base ones life on supposition is risky especially if knowing the truth is important. If you accept that your truth is at best, romantic propaganda and that your acceptance of its truth is based on a gigantic leap of faith then all is well and good. The benefits of taking that leap are that in doing so one places oneself under the protection of a certain kind of benevolence which asks little other than acceptance, for which the mysteries of life are answered.
Without faith and some sort of existence after death, the process of living becomes  problematic. The process of gathering a life span of experience solely to have those experience dashed on the rocks of dying seems pretty pointless but of course the whole conundrum of anything having a point to it, is somewhat philosophical.
Philosophy, clearly a man made experience, has as its basis, logic. Logic which is of its self a process of the mind as it seeks to think and find answers.
Faith is the opposite of logic and, since mankind has failed to find a logical answer to life after death, faith has jumped to the rescue and provided answers where there are logically, none.
So perhaps faith is nothing much more than a 'comfort blanket' and, as with a comfort blanket, we put it aside when we grow up.

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