Saturday 1 August 2015

The "n" word

My God they used the "n" word and even the "m" word.  Talk about, "don't frighten the horses" it was as if the the world according to Milton Friedman had received a seismic shock

I'm talking of the interview with Jeremy Corbyn on the Andrew Marr show.
'Nationalisation' and 'Marx' were thrown into the mix by Marr as an antidote to the common sense Corbyn was talking since it wouldn't do to indoctrinate the populous with common sense now would it.
The electorate have been made extremely skittish, by a medias almost constant right wing tirade against anything which doesn't have the "p" word as its economic talisman. The "p" word is of course "privatisation" !
Here we had a man not afraid to mention the illicit use of the so called 'free market' by the Railways. Railways in which that part of railways, (the track, signals, stations ect) are funded by the taxpayer whilst the 'income bit', the trains, are private.
This would be described by the Conservatives and when they were in office, New Labour as running a privatised transportation system when in fact the system is quasi nationalised.  
An artificial creation if ever there was one where, to attract private investment the Railway were split into two. The 'dirty bit' the infrastructure, which has the word 'expenditure' written against it became the responsibility of the taxpayer whilst the 'income bit' was reserved for the investors.
The companies that provide us with water, electricity and gas, the utility companies were also privatised even though the users were captive and therefore there was little or no incentive to compete. An antidote to socialism, "The Market", with its touch stone 'competition' is there to eliminate the sins of nationalisation. But we all know it's a sham with the private companies who run and own the utilities companies behave like the 'cartel' they are with minimal competition between them.
What happens when "Private Enterprise" are asked to come forward and quote on building another Nuclear Reactor. They simply screw the tax payer into granting a ridiculously high kW tariff so that its a win win for the French (who are now the only people who have the skills to build Nuclear Reactors which is a travesty in itself since we pioneered the engineering know how but allowed our manufacturing and design skills to erode) and we the taxpayer pick up the long term cost.
But of course the populous has been brain washed into believing that only through privatisation can we become economically viable. They have closed down any debate on National Ownership equating it with Stalinist Russia and of course the people acquiesce to what their betters tell them !!
Corbyn has reinvigorated at least a dialog and listening to him today expertly dismantling the political land-mines which were thrown in his path, not with the usual political obfuscation but with rational argument was a genuine pleasure.

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