Monday 24 August 2015

How on earth did we manage before

Do you have a table for two ? It's a sunny day and I'v driven across to Braintree to the "Harp and Angle" to have lunch with Keith. The pub is popular but I managed to get a table until 2.15 when the next sitting is due. There is a Sunday speed, a languid slowness to the driving, people are laid back as they remember their childhood and the rigour of Church attendance. Only the children have energy as they run around shrill and hyper trying to attract the attention of a parent away from her boyfriend. Who knows what insecurities flow through their minds.
Some of the groups are loud and raucous the women shriek the men
guffour as the tales are told.
A fairly large family arrive. Young, middle and old with the oldest a grandad bringing up the rear. Not quite sure he should be with this lot, his brood, which had grown out of all proportion to those far off days when he was in control, now he is more a relique, trying to keep up, remembering better days.
The English out to Sunday lunch. Roast beef,Yorkshire pud' and a helping of spuds and carrots with what looks like broccoli lurking amongst the gravy. A pint of beer or a bottle of red decides which part of the country you come from but never mind the air is convivial and the sun is out.
The countryside is riddled with attractive little hostelries. Google and the Internet fixes a spot and the sat-nav does the rest. We are in an electronic era, choosing, getting there, even paying is all electronic. How on earth did we manage before ?

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