Tuesday 4 August 2015

Goldman Sachs. Mater of the Universe

The bank that runs the world. Goldman Sachs.
I have often written of my distaste of the power and the lack of ethics, the contempt which this powerful Wall Street Bank exhibits towards the world at large.
Their tentacles are everywhere. Placement men in the highest offices throughout the western financial and political system, names which are familiar to us all. 
Mario Draghi the current President of the European Central Bank. Romano Prodi an Ex President of the ECB. Mark Carney the current Governor of the Bank of England. Henry Paulson the US Treasury Secretary. Robert Rubin US Treasury Secretary. And so many others !!
Imagine the influence of sharing the Goldman boardroom and then departing to hold crucial senior positions across the western world. No wonder Goldman's  hands are all over the events before and since the financial crash. 
The most recent event and probably the most politically damaging (if they weren't so Teflon coated) has been their tampering with the Greek books when they were applying to join the EU.
Part of their ruse was to evoke a slight of hand when the Greeks needed a loan to cover their bills in 2010 the amount which was called for was doubled by illicitly offering a non accountable lone which mirrored the accountable lone but which attracted a substantially higher rate of interest.
And so began the Greek financial tragedy. Like a parent winning favour with their child by plying them with sweet drinks the dental bill was still to come.
Goldman Sachs are evil and have no scruples. Laws which would trip the man in the street do not apply in the rarefied atmosphere of Goldman's Boardroom but what really worries me is that there are so many Goldman Sachs look alike's posted into all our financial centres who have learnt their trade in 200 West St NY.

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