Sunday 5 April 2015

Walking home from the shop

Walking back from the shop in the sunshine of a Spring day one is as always reminded of the intricacy of life and the society around. Exercise when you reach retirement, if you don't have an active hobby, is a constant reminder to accept that the fitness, which comes with youth has to be sought out when old. Walking to the shop instead of climbing in the car is not a natural reflex but once you are on your way the benefit is around you and you soon become absorbed in 'things'.

The dog chasing a ball, the birds hopping on the path in front of you. The sounds of the birds in the hedgerow are magical in their range and texture, the excited chatter of the school kids, the sound of sawing as the DIY guy repairs his fence. 
One of the pleasures is the civilised habits of the people in the small supermarket I often use. People are polite to each other and the staff are always helpful and supportive, it's as if we can get it right when the make-up and the critical mass of the people are just right. Good, considerate behaviour becomes the norm which it should be. With this balance we begin to see each other not as contestants but as fellows enjoying a daytime activity.
The sun has a lot to do with this upbeat mood and as I wander home with tonight's meal in hand I wouldn't swop you for all the tea in China.

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