Thursday 30 April 2015

Masters and servants

What sad times we live in.
As a statement it lacks the perspective of history. 70 years ago we were in such a mess and our citizens knew it first hand. Rationing, being bombed, the insecurity of being in a world war, all this was far more traumatic than anything we experience today. And yet today we are in a deeper hole having lost confidence in our politicians as we question many decisions made on our behalf.
It all hinges on the information we now receive about much that in the past was hidden. Our "Betters" knew better and we sort of, accepted it.
Today the conflicts unfold all around us, we have instant replay of the best sort, the sort that can not be denied, as thousands of mobile phone cameras provides a front row picture of what is actually happening. How inconvenient that the public can make up their own minds and not have to rely on the prism of a diplomatic despatch. How absolutely inconvenient that whistle blowers have the impertinence to reveal what underhand business our leaders are up to, how our trust in them is misplaced and they have embarked on a massive surveillance of every one of us.
The implicit integrity of the link between the people and their democratically elected "management", people who have been placed to run the country, has been irreparably damaged. 

The sight of an authoritative American Government pursuing the whistle blower across the globe, in pursuance of a vindictive crack down on someone who had the audacity to reveal the dirty mechanism of government. 

Its not as we would wish, or have been led to believe, a government, of the people, for the people, by the people but rather, it is, as it always was, a government by the elite for the elite, full stop. The image that because of the need for "security" they can do anything, they can rewrite the rule book, if necessary throw it away since they know what is best for us. 
How we need to inform these masters of the universe, that we are the masters and they the servants.                      

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