Monday 27 April 2015

Fear mongering

Why is the Tory party gathering so much attention in its claim that that a Labour Party win would usher in the Scottish Nationalist Party to have a controlling vote in Westminster. 
The way the polls are pointing it will be either the Conservatives  aligned  with Liberals (plus possibly the UKIP vote) versus New Labour, the SNP, the Greens and Plaid Cymru of Wales plus perhaps the DUP of Northern Ireland. The fear in the Westminster Establishment is that power then shifts out of the hands of the predictable, centralised clique where it has sat within its own bubble ever since parliament came into being. 
The strength of the SNP has been its appeal not only to Scottish Independence with all the attraction that has for many Scots but also the make up of the political animal is very different from the London centric power house of Westminster where the rules of the "game" has been to pass the parcel of upper and middle class interests leaving the social heart of the working class to find little or no representation. 
New Labour the child of Tony Blair was designed to appease the powerful middle class and cater more to the needs of The City. To win an election they decided that the blue collar worker could be persuaded through the mighty press machine to accept his diminutive roll and stay in awe of the rich and powerful as they were "born to rule". 
Increasingly the poor have become trapped in their dead end jobs which, since the Bankers Crash in 2008 have undergone a ever tightening economic decline in disposable income, manifest the food banks and the top up many people now depend on to support their living standards as we trend towards part time work and the minimum wage becoming the norm.
This at a time and over a period when Britain's richest have doubled their wealth in the last 10 years.
No party has properly articulated their plight until the rise of the SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party. 
New Labour skirted around the issues worried that they would loose Middle Class votes and upset The City. Westminster incubated a world where politics was a matter of trade offs and the real ideological questions of fairness and respect equality and protection were ignored.
This new breed of political awareness, an awareness that society at large must include everyone and as we manage our political affairs, include the disadvantaged from birth (for that is where the basic underlying inequality comes from) and a schooling system which promotes only 2% of the population into the top decision making careers. 
These new politicians from across our boarders to the North and the West were a refreshing alternative to the stale air of Westminster and like gate crashers to a posh party must be kept out at all costs !!!

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