Friday 24 April 2015

The Opposition.

Slowly we are getting there. Tonight it was described as a debate between the 'Opposition Parties'. Labour, SNP The Scotish National Party, The Green Party, UKIP The United Kingdom Independence Party, and Plaid Cymru the Welsh Nationalist Party. Neither of the Coalition Parties forming the present Government were there, the Conservatives had ruled out attending and put pressure on the Media hosts for the Liberals not to be asked to attend

The political set up was interesting. The establishment was in this case represented by Labour with Ed Miliband being the only person on the stage who could seriously be in line to become the next Prime Minister. The rest, other than the the SNPs Nicola Sturgeon who is currently the First Minister in Scotland (equivalent of the Prime Minister in Scotland but without the power) have only a small political base and could therefore promise the moon without the promise coming back to haunt them.
In theory you had the Westminster view (Miliband) challenged by the rest, two Nationalists and one Green all who purport to represent the Political Left, and the Political Right represented by Nigel Farage.
It was illuminating to see and hear how raw politics has become in the Westminster circles 'a set of clichés'. How the professional politician Ed Miliband measured his every word whilst the rest were arguing from the heart for there own particular political contrivance.
I for one wanted to applaud, (what would be viewed inside the cosy Westminster bubble) the audacious views from the small in some cases, yet to be elected participants in tonight's debate challenging and articulating with passion the plight of the ordinary person in the street. One is used to the platitudes of the main parties as they kick the political football around and one has become bored and extremely sceptical of the MPs who seems more and more to resemble some sort of automated, wind up, party apparatchik speaking to a script and searching for the leverage of a sound bite.
One had the feeling that this was the politics of the old days when ideological passion drove people into politics and people believed in the moral cause !! You believed and worked for a political end because it was the right thing to do regarding the electorate who you were there to serve.
The Market, the Bankers, the Industrialists (if you can find any over here) are all well able to look after themselves, they have their confederations and guilds, they have their lobbyists and behind the scenes fixers, its the man in the street, in this financially distorted Globalised World, who needs representing and it's the constancy MPs job to do that in Parliament.
One had the feeling that any or all of the so called "minority parties" on show tonight, including UKIP would breath a breath of fresh air into the stale, same old, same old in Westminster.

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