Monday 3 November 2014

Why not the Muse.

The issue of what constitutes attraction and why being attracted to someone is a reason for people commit themselves to a lifetime together is not usually questioned, let alone understood.
Why is it that a man is attracted to a female and visa versa. Is it sex or is it something else, something deeper inside of us, part of the missing jig saw which makes up our psyche.

The need to communicate and to reveal ourselves to someone is strong, it is cathartic. Why is it easier to form this communicative bond with a women than with a man. Why do we instinctively feel at ease with a woman and find ourselves more open than with a man.
Of course it depends on the subject matter. Work and sport are best discussed with a man. Evolution and the extent of the universe are best discussed with a man. Politics and the overall worldly condition are things men will happily discuss. What's left you might say but its what's left that makes the women's contribution so special. Their contribution is about us and them its about that hidden side to our character the soft caring empathetic side which, when we are touched to speak of it, brings a sense of participation that is missing in the arcane discussion we have with men. 

With men there is more of a contest going on whilst with women, perhaps foolishly, we let our defences down and are more willing to be open. Perhaps it's Freudian, an instinctive urge to associate with our mothers rather than our fathers, which is repeated throughout our lives. Perhaps it's the never ending mysticism we have for the female of the species, never to understand them, we are drawn like a moth to a flame in the impossible task of trying know !
Of course sex is the 'cherry on the cake' but the attraction is often not initially sexual but rather an ease with which one builds the bridge to talk and beyond talking,really communicate.
Why does our psyche place so much importance on communication. Why do we need to express our feelings, our hopes and aspirations why can't we just place that side of ourselves under wraps like the aristocracy and society used to, one hundred years ago and stay stum.
Is there an inherent weakness in our character that seeks confirmation as we progress through life, each turning point,needing affirmation,so why not to the Muse ? 

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