Monday 3 November 2014

An unspoken threat

Listening to Question Time on the TV the question was asked, "what should we do about the young jihads who fight and identify themselves with ISIS".
The usual comments were heard, coming from 'middle class' people who seem have their heads in a bubble, far removed from reality.
A member in the audience questioned our foreign policy and suggested that much of the disengagement of these young people in our society was due to the governments attitude towards certain countries, largely in the Middle East, mainly Muslim and for whom the local British born Muslim feels they have a religious connection over and above their national allegiance. 

No one is prepared to admit that we have become a country not of one national identity but a country of a number of quasi national identities. This situation is unique in our history and raises many serious problems for the future as the different segments in the society struggle, initially for special recognition and eventually for supremacy. 
It's a question which is never voiced but it's one that needs addressing unless we are so supine that we are happy to see a total overthrow of our sense of law, the rights of women, and much of the claim we make for being fair minded and inclusive. There are other cultures at play that have far different views to our own on many matters we feel are sacrosanct.

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