Wednesday 26 November 2014

Comfortable surroundings.

Sitting in a comfortable armchair in a pub out in the countryside one is struck by the conviviality and relaxed atmosphere. The beer is excellent, the quite background folk song type music, the extensive menu of food or at least a menu that is quite sophisticated. The dark slate floor the scattered furniture a mixture of this and that signifying that the landlord is not of the chain mentality. It's pleasantly warm with an open wood fire burning merrily away the sparks disappearing up the chimney lend a fascination we all have for an open fire and the intrigue of the flames as they catch and burst into their short life as the wood is burnt away. Fire has always captivated man from his earliest beginnings in the cave, the shadows that were felt to be spirits dancing on the wall, captured in the earliest paintings.
 The TV is dormant thank god, no evil spirits feeding us with false illusions we are spared modern day intrusion.
 A couple over there are in animated conversation perhaps an unresolved dispute from the weekend or perhaps the build up to one not yet contemplated. These shadow disputes like the shadows from the fire plague us throughout our lives, unexplained they arise out of nowhere, unrequited they are part of the human identity.
 The sun is shining which is what brought me out in the first place and whilst I tip tap away having my own conversation with you, untroubled by any fear of an unfavourable response,even if I am misunderstood there's no harm done, no innuendo, no reason for conflict. Peaceful seclusion, with the opportunity to blast the world through the magic of the internet.

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