Sunday 9 November 2014

A bridge leading to Wales.

Setting out on a journey can be a daunting task especially if there is more that one person going on the trip.
Luggage is the first dilemma facing the party since there is no doubt, men and women differ as to what they need when away. Men are usually pretty casual about packing and welcome the freedom from the dress code that work imposes by taking the bare minimum. 
Women on the other hand pack everything plus the kitchen sink in the belief that they must be able to meet all eventualities and evaluate these eventualities by including the full range of female support gear which a woman needs to meet fellow humans. The disguise she adopts between the bedroom and her exit from the front door is remarkable and there are few women who would travel light. 
The next issue is the time to depart. Now this is again where the men and women differ.
A man who has unburdened himself from the routine of the daily commute wishes fervently to avoid the rush hour traffic and suggests an early start since an early start will get him sooner to his destination where he can begin to relax (remember he is probably going to do the driving).
The women on the other hand has the not inconsiderable task of getting ready and so an early start is probably not on.
At a ratio of three items to one her suitcase weighs a ton and, with the other "must have" items accompanying the suitcase the car boot is soon full.
With the cheery comment that he will buy some gear when he gets there he satisfies himself with his shaving kit and the camera, anything to get the show on the road.
Have you pumped up the tires, is there water in the screen washer, when did you last check the oil, a Nasa Apollo countdown procedure comes to mind as the questions are fired until the, "drive on" command is given. The last salvo is probably, did you turn off the heating as you pull around the bend on the start of the journey.
There will be the necessary pit stops, for food and at least one or two for bladder relief. What ever you do don't ask for any map reading advice since direction and car sickness seem to run together. But we're off and these minor irritations are soon smoothed out as the open road induces drowsiness in the copilot and the car quietly  settles down to consume the miles and the petrol in equal amounts. 

In my distant youth it was invariably the first sighting of Blackpool Tower that heralded our destination (a little later, the first sight of the Med and later still the Indian Ocean) now it's the bridge leading into Wales !!

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