Friday 23 November 2012

The Synod and the art of civilised debate.

We have just concluded a momentous session of the Church of England Synod to decide whether to have women Bishops.

The Press and the Media, "as is their want", generated a great deal of heat and not a great deal of light as they recorded their bias.

The Synod is a remarkable exposé of democracy at work which, divided into three segments The House of Bishops. The House of Clergy and the House of Laity (who represent the Congregation), are seen to debate and consider in a way that seems far removed from the viscous, rough and tumble of today's world. 

The Establishment, (Bishops and Clergy), were pursuing the common call (media driven) for the advancement of women to the top table (the equivalent of the boardroom). The Laity meanwhile were concerned that the Bible lays stress on male continuity and were adamant that the structure laid down in the "good book" had stood society well and it was not in the gift of man to change it.

It is important to stress that each Bishop has a single vote which represents his own view.
Each member of the Clergy,seated in the Synod represents 20 or so clergy who do not attend.
The representatives of the Laity each represent roughly 1800 members of the Church. 
Do the maths and you see democracy at work.

Listening to the media, they howl like banshees at a result, so non-politically correct that they are having a seizure !!   Unable to control or ignore the general view, they can hardly control their hysteria.

The reason for writing was to describe a strange and truly rewarding phenomena. 
The sight and sound of such a gathering of mature people discussing, in such a balanced civilised way, a subject so close to their individual hearts  but which some were diametrically opposed. 
Each person called rose to speak in a measured, thoughtful, sincere way that one could only respect the depth of their commitment and integrity.

It was all such a far cry from that other gathering of lay people who profess so much and produce so little. Whose bile and contempt, not only towards each other but their overt disrespect for any point of view opposed to their own, is the basis of their existence !!

I speak of course of "Parliament" and many who sail in her !!                  

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