Saturday 10 November 2012

Democracy - American style

You have to wonder about American zeal to be different and so convinced about their God given righteousness.
They export their concept of democracy to nations across the globe and claim an almost messianic belief in their own righteousness. 

President Obama having, in terms of the popular vote just squeezed back into power, beating the plastic imagery of Mit Romney and the enormous wealth of the Republican Party. This is the democracy the US expounds. A democracy that uses wealth as the most powerful tool to manipulate the minds of the voter. That funds TV stations such as Fox to supply a never ending diet of scurrilous misinformation and personal vitriol. That has a political implanted Supreme Court, dependent on the party in power to enlist Judges with the convictions to suit the party in power. A legal system that accepts the ignominious Guantanmamo Bay as a short cut to Justice so it can detain people without trial for periods of years. This is a democracy that fights tooth and nail to avoid voting the money to provide a large section of its population with the basic security of health care. A society that is reminded again and again of the danger of allowing its citizens to arm themselves to the teeth with weapons that should only see the light of day in the battlefield.

Obama has to unlock the veto the the House has to prevent the Presidential manifesto that the people have voted for. Of course in this election 50% of the population has not voted for the manifesto and we are in for deadlock when we need it least.

People talk highly of Obamas ability to motivate through his speeches but I have to admit his delivery puts me off. It is slow and broken into formulaic statements rather than a discursive flow which would engage me.   I suppose its what he says that is important !!             


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