Monday 5 November 2012

The bullied have become the bullies

I was watching a program this morning on the BBC which epitomises the quality of this often maligned broadcaster.
We often take for granted our surroundings and the constituent parts that can and often do, affect our lives. Complacency is the norm when things in general are found to be in balance. It takes loss or subjugation to make us re-evaluate the things and the people around us, to make us take a grip on who we are or would like to become. To learn from others, is to add to the sum of our knowledge and the more we know the better armed we become to understand events as they unfurl in our lives.

The program is a discussion program where people debate issues, largely on moral or religious attitudes that society wrestles with. I find the complex beliefs and the attitudes that, sensible, balanced people have, rewarding since it enriches my own experience.

The subject matter today included, amongst other things, comments made by the Roman Catholic Archbishop about Gay and Lesbians. The Archbishop had been branded a bigot by Stonewall, the Gay and Lesbian movement.
The verbal and intellectual tussle between a Bishop in the Church of England, a Journalist who was Gay and spoke for Stonewall and a women who was the Editor of a Catholic Newspaper. Each was perfectly at home in their belief even though they were diametrically opposed to each other. Each argument had some validity and much was gained by the tone of the debate.

This country has undergone, if one listens to the media representatives, a transformation in the attitudes towards so many issues.
The attitude to the criminal punishment system.   The concept of marriage and child rearing.   Masculinity/femininity in all its form and competitive interplay.    Racial issues abound and bleed to the surface in the football arena, with the players and the crowd howling their opinion.     
Sexuality which largely defines each genders role in the cycle of procreation, a definition derided by
a relatively small segment of society, who demand equality and would wish for us to believe, they are different but normal ?

Many of these issues have been given a good coating of media time over recent years, as the Politically Correct Intelligentsia have bombarded any view that differed from their own by a torrent of invective with the use of words like bigot and homophobic.

Years ago the policy on these issues was very much a reaction to unfair attitudes by the majority towards minorities and were necessary.

Today the bullied have become the bullies.  They choke off dissent and unhesitatingly belittle any opposition.
It is usual for the media, the Westminster bubble, the chattering classes to claim that there is unanimity today, across the populous in its support for much of the Political Correct Agenda.

My own experience is the opposite, with that much maligned, "man in the street", strongly opposed to the changes that are trumpeted by the Establishment.         

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