What we do is pretty much of little consequence. Our time is spent on errands, on trips to support our lifestyle such as going shopping or walking the dog, with the world around we have little time. We are seeped in our own contrivance of what life is about, much of it centred on our own needs and many of those needs inflated by our ego.
When last did we explore our surroundings for there own sake. And even when we did, could we rid ourselves of our own image in what we saw.
Mankind has been so busy constructing things to make easy his life and the style in which he wanted to live that his gaze is continually engrossed in his own small compass and rarely takes in the actual world around him.
I knew someone who was captivated by the insect world. His mind was for ever shifting down into the environment of the insect world and their habitat.
Translating the image at your feet, under which a tiny complex world existed, oblivious of your own trials and tribulations, this world had it own structure and preference. It exists with rules and obligations much like our own, a hierarchy with individuals being developed, through the genius of evolution to perform tasks in support of the colony, much as we are. The need to survive, much as our need to survive has developed instincts and tactics in foraging for food and building accommodation which we accomplish but more in harmony.
The seas and the rivers, the bogs and the woodland under each stone there lives life. The oxygen and the nitrates support organisms which were here before us and in their ability to adapt will probably be here when we have gone.
Perhaps when we finally annihilate our own species, the rest of the world will heave a sigh of relief and wonder how this species of dinosaur had existed so long !!