We are where we are. That's an often quoted cliché but did it have to be so ?
The world today is in two parts. Economically we have Global Capitalism. Politically we have small wars being fought all over the place.
Why has the politics which underlay the economic structure not been more successful than the tribal nationalistic agendas which are at the heart of the trouble.
The global economic structure began in the minds of the American Administration under, initially President Roosevelt and then, Truman as a rebuilding exercise for a world pillaged by war and the 'underlying concept' that the plan would have the American dollar underpinning and controlling everything.
Americas mighty industrial machine which had been turned on to fight a world war needed markets to maintain its output and a dollar based world, fitted the plan.

It was called "The New Deal", and the New Dealers, under President Truman were James Forrestal, James Byrnes, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson.
Powerful men in the American political establishment they sought around to redefine the world in a way which would greatly uphold American power and hegemony. There was no sentimentality only hard headed business acumen
The British who have seen themselves as having a special relationship with the US were deluding themselves (and still do). President Roosevelt and after him Truman were sceptical of Britain's historical tendency to Empire Building and even the place Stirling held as a world currency. The presumed loyalty for an ally who had shouldered the struggle until the Americans decided to come into the war (not least accelerated by the sinking of American shipping and the bombing of Pearl Harbour), all this was put to one side and a decision made to have as the economic pillars of the New Deal the two powers that had been the enemy , Germany and Japan. These would be the countries which would provide, with American largesse, the cornerstones of a world economy driven by the American Dollar.
Both countries had in themselves shown the economic know-how to build up two formidable war machines, each had massive industrial companies that could be used as a bases for the consumer empires which were necessary to feed the economic machinery and importantly both defeated countries were under occupation by American troops.
So the decision was made to marginalise Britain and ensure the country did not get the funds to rebuild its economy.
Simple as that. Decisions made in Washington after the war sealed the fate of this country. Paying no attention to war or peace time allegiances, they made sure that the debt Britain had racked up towards the US was to be paid in full. The territorial possessions which Britain held and America desired were transferred in part payment and any attempt to retake or secure such economic possessions such as the Suez Canal were thwarted.
It seemed inconceivable at least to the British that they would not be a central pillar in the building of a Global economic structure but that was how it was to be. "Like the brother finding out when the will is read out, his share is to go elsewhere" !!!
God bless America !!!
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