Consumerism and packaging sell the dream. Will it taste as good as the picture or will my intervention spoil the party.
The method of selling and presenting the goods in an eye catching way is the same in California as it is in Chippenham and 'down under' I could have been in Morrison's if it hadn't been for the footfall and the dress code. No, down around the backside jeans or flab around the waist, shorts and casual with the surfboard parked outside were the order of the day and one had the impression of a younger more healthy environment with the associated sense of living the life !!
The sun was disappearing from the sky (on its way here) as we drove back to the Apartment, me captured in the phone, asking questions, he negotiating the nearly empty highway as it drew us back to a view over the yacht club from their balcony window. The pool in the Apartment grounds was deep blue lit from its underwater lights,the sound of the waterfall enticing.
Donald Trump would have approved !!
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