Wednesday 14 December 2022



Subject: Solace

Awe in our presence on earth used to be the celebration of man each day in the traditional moments when we gave pause to celebrate our being. This is not a religious thing but a timely thing, morning and night, the seasonal occurrence of summer, autumn, winter and rebirth in spring. Much of our reverence for these time spots was they celebrated a re-emergence out of the dark and danger into one of light and safety they were subliminal to our actual experience.
Living our modern life, many of us are fortunate to experience the solution to night and day by flicking on a light switch or turning on the heating, in a way we have distanced ourselves from the essence of life, it’s fundamental rhythmic pulse. We have imposed artificial barriers for our convenience  without understanding the importance repetitive cycles play in our well being.
Everything comes and goes.  Initially dependent on the cycle of feeding and sleeping just to live, we now have fast food, all night living, a jungle of of experience and so that rhythm is lost. Much of the mental illness in our youth is due to the fact we have nowhere to repose, repair and reflect, no quietus from the next phone call discussing the next event.
The sanctity of breakfast or the evening meal, together as a family to check in on each other and establish those special sureties is no longer a function, we become loners in our loneliness.  If we could have institutionalised no-go zones, (like the clinics the Hollywood set turn to), blackouts from the noise of modern living,  periods of peace when we could reconnect with our own lives  and not be obliged to follow someone else’s.
24/7 and at the beck and call of the phone. It’s not as if it’s friends or business but it’s our need to be connected to media platforms and the trash displayed on them, like lemmings we rush for a door, eager to see what’s on the other side, the next party the next take down of someone you might have read about and therefore purport  to know but we never seem happy in the environment we are in. This is a condition you see in animals, the panic of blind following. The comfort of a religious congregation is a positive example of the pack at work but even here it has the effect of you merging your individualism for the packs identity, as if your own reflective strength were not enough.
We have to reassert our individualism, to rely once again on our own self assessment and not continually be looking over our shoulder for a lead. All the bad news has nuggets of good mixed up in it and where the bad is so dark and we can’t make sense out of it we must forcibly disconnect for our own well being. The world has always been as we see it today but ir was out of sight, now for the first time we see it in the videos as it manifests itself on the media as a crazed place.
Even the quietus a bodkin of wine which brought Old Khayyam so much pleasure is now frowned upon by the ‘commentators’, their shrill disgruntled cry’s singing after us as hopefully we hoist two fingers into the air and shout pestilence on your houses.

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