Tuesday 13 December 2022

Invoking change

Subject: Invoking change.

The more I read about the history of humans, their various civilisations, their successes and their failures and the distinct cultural and religious lines in the sand drawn by the Muslim, the Hindu, the Christian, the Jew it strikes me that the Western flirtation with multiculturalism is bound to fail if we want to unify everyone under this search for human equality and common rights. Multiculturalism is as questionable as heaven and hell, it’s an ideal dreamt up by a think tank who’s reasons are different to what’s actually written on the jar and concerns more economic unity more than anything else.
At least the different belief groups are honest in their delusion, that men and women are the the result of some unifying religious oversight since each splinter group has a different story and in our zeal to marry everyone into having a common outlook, we are bound to fail. Perhaps it’s only possible in the lukewarm currents of religious piety that typifies the consumerist religion of the west that we have a chance to bully and frighten some sort of congregation. In this congregation, the Atheist is left to bear the burden of having no identifying mark, black, brown or yellow,  the Christian the cross, the Muslim the crescent and star, the Hindu an iconographic Vedic script whist the atheist has only the ubiquitous “emoji’s”. The Atheist has no iconic past to speak of, since the  history of the non believer is often ravaged by a guilt not apparently envisaged by anyone else.
You never hear of a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, or the Manchurian denigrate their past. You never hear a religious person question their faith or the culture it sprang from because to do so would be to question their god.
The atheist is in the invidious position of having to bear the full weight of mankind’s shortcomings simply by having no fallback. He also has to cope head on with the new fangled idea of a multi cultural society (scraping the human barrel into a new fiat), since it would get short shift if you were to ask a Jew to revoke his synagogue. The Muslim is only really secure amongst his fellow Muslims, the Hindu his Ashram brethren, they all recite from a history of exclusion or a specific exceptionalism whist the multiculturalist is still busy inventing his own idea of an importance in human history.


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