Wednesday 14 December 2022

Questioning the motives


Subject: Questioning the motives.

Is there any humanitarian link in the fact that the Chinese Chairman Xin Jinping has no regrets about isolating his citizens from Covid whilst we in the west bicker over the economic fall out of closing down commerce and industry to protect our people and seem more concerned about its effect on the balance sheet. The heartless balance sheet versus a primal concern for the health of the proletariat .
I know in many other spheres of communist control they seem brutal in their oversight of the population, encouraging them for instance to conform by informing on each other. Their lack of being able to accept critics especially from the media, where opponents of the system are thrown in jail seems to flow contra to a caring society and yet we in the west happily acknowledge that casualties can rise to a high plateau with mortality being an acceptable price to pay to keep the wheels of commerce turning. Do we worship mammon more than the individual, do we measure success by the lack of deaths or by a minimal disruption to the economy.
Jacob Rees Mogg that archetypal pinstriped businessman was all for chiding  the people back to work irrespective, whilst Xi Jinping was for isolating them at home. We wondered at first did Xi know something we didn’t since the virus had escaped from China and we wondered if it wasn’t a plot to wipe out much of the wests economy by weakening its people. The more we have shone light on the dreadful foreboding of those early days in 2020 and now, with magnificent antivirus technology do we begin to  question their and our motives.

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