Sunday 12 July 2020

I had a dream

Subject: I had a dream.

One of the most difficult bridges to cross is the one which tells me that everything is ok in a world peopled with such divergent views. It's as if the people who make light of the divisions amongst us have fallen for their own hype without looking around and seeing the world as it is.
The world is a mess, it always was, it's peopled by Individuals who have developed their own sense of who they are and in doing so they create an artifice to deceive others and protect that which is valuable to them. Every tribe, every nation, every religion and every ethnicity has skin in the game as they seek to survive the claim and counter claim of the others around. Globalisation has sort to minimise these differences and sell the concept of oneness, of elemental sameness be it race or gender. The identification of difference is frowned upon, it's become an anathema to accept that cultural inheritance makes us different from birth. As children we see and imbibe the functions which people perform daily, not merely to survive but to identify themselves with their close neighbours all for the sake of belonging to a community.
For the last 25 years Western academia has expressed the need for a political construct, an ideological sameness who's agenda is a sort of interchangeable commodity across the whole of mankind, a sort of Orwellian led thought control project where 'people are taught what to think before they are even aware that thinking is actually about choice'.
Listening to the excuses for the poor choices made in the course of the pandemic, or listening to the groundswell of disharmony and self loathing as street marches gather on our streets protesting issues of race, horrified at police brutality, absorbing the condemnation of our white society like a flagellating sponge, as if we alone had created the idea of self identification.
The world is rife with conflict, of how people see each other and what the other person stands for and it's been this way for time immemorial. Our tolerance as a nation is as good, if not better than in so many other parts of the world but this tolerance is never the topic of debate rather its the underlying discontent within the society at large with the laws in that society which were put in place to ensure the society doesn't harm itself, and of course, the main condemnation these days is toward the very people who are there to enforce them.
The ratios are trotted out about 'stop and search', why are so many black people are searched in our towns and cities. The fact that many of these cities have become religious and ethnic ghettos, in part by created wholesale immigration and the difficulty the immigrant has in finding like minded people to live and settle amongst. He created his own version of a suburb in Karachi or Lagos and with these hot spots of racial exclusivity in place, the gangs hold their turf. At night a white youth seen in certain areas of Lambeth, Toxteth  or Little Horton is in danger whilst and the same is true for a black person seen in an area which the white youths claim as theirs.  During the daytime multiculturalism works but at night the ordinary man and woman, working families, stay at home living a normal family life in front of the television but in the street younger, often aggressive young men are the people the police come into contact with and with the stimulation of drugs, everything escalates, mental aberration becomes  the mindset to ignore the pain of authority and it all becomes highly dangerous.  Is it any wonder the police, facing this drug fueled antagonism become battle hardened.
The bobby we know who helps the little old lady across the road or you approach to get directions becomes a different person when confronted in the war zone which our inner cities have become over the last 15 years. His survival is on the line and who would blame him or her for combating violence with violence.

These realities are ignored by the academic wishing to prove, or test a social point. Never out on the streets after dark, rather tucked up in bed with Horlicks and Proust, they dream of a better land where rational debates heal the wounds of conflict, not the slender knife blade thrust into someone's chest.
Imagine their dismay at the savagery of an honour killing or the removal of the hand of a pickpocket. Imagine the quarrel 1500 years ago which segregated the Shia from the Sunni and caused so much enmity still as unresolved as the day it started. Imagine in their world of rational debate an irrational force much more ingrained, much more relevant to millions and millions of people  than their multicultural dream.
But no their focus is on us, a tiny island in the North Sea undergoing severe economic disintegration and a pandemic which has been made much worse by the incompetence of a government only recently elected, largely on the distortion of a single entity issue Brexit, with a huge majority, a government which can do much as it pleases for the next five years.
We are in for a rough ride made so much rougher by sowing disharmony and perhaps unintentionally widening the gap between the people who live here.

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