Sunday 12 July 2020

Conditional history

Subject: Conditional history.

Poverty does not fully explain the lack of an appetite to improve, skin colour does not fully explain racial hostility, being a member of the LGBT does not automatically demand that we fully understand their needs and religion does not secure salvation.  All are symptoms of of a human condition and therefore demand we give it thought.
Too easily we seek to label ourselves suggesting some sort of exclusivity. We seek reparation from those who are different and have offended us, we expect to receive special pleading from those with who we differ, we even demand a new set of laws to fit our perceived condition when in fact we should accept our condition as our own normal.
We see ourselves as being so very complex with so many phobias and culturally defined preferences that to have any sense of the a common ground, other than that ‘we are all human beings’ is a leap of faith.
Some  people have a faith in mankind's innate goodness, it's a mental construct of thought where the differences, the quirks of nature are but an aberration. The real effort should be in the furtherance of toleration, a global toleration not just a national one.
But in the real politic there has been a general collapse of sense or  sensibility, a barbarous decline in tolerance and a shallow indifference to what people see around them. Has the drabness of mind, the product of a drab society, not deadened our ability  to enjoy that individuality and not hide in a group identity.
Ritual and myth, those cornerstones of conformity, religious or cultural are the weight so many carry around with them, inhibiting any steps which stray from an ideological path. If we allow the past to taint today's reality then we have learnt nothing. We only regurgitate those bits of history which suit our discontent instead of recognising that today is very different from yesterday, as tomorrow will be when compared to today.

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