Monday 30 December 2019

Immunity from prosecution

Subject: Immunity from prosecution 

I'v had to turn it off, I'v had to turn away from the news for fear of being drawn into the compounding issue of Brexit post Johnson's victory. From a distant room down a long corridor I hear snippets of banality, Johnson's triumphant cock calling, phrases like, the commons voted "out by the 31st" (without the epithet 'and to hell with the consequences'). My mind jostles with the memory of those experts brought to the Commons Committees who explained the tremendous difficulties of extracting ourselves from a 40 year enmeshment in the European Union in which the fine balances in trade and finance are thrown out for we know not what. The phrase of "oven ready" some how seemed banal compared to the articulation prompted by the people who had made it their life's work to know about these things. And now the glee as the "oven ready" brigade parade their strength in the first of many votes which will pass into law so many unpalatable things which will effect all our lives. 
Perhaps the only way is to close the door and sit in a darkened room since in essence it can't effect me much in my final years. Why must I worry for the grey haired woman in Warrington or the year weary faced chap in the high street, they were convinced by the words on the side of the bus, they were hoodwinked and mesmerised by the hooded cobra that is Boris Johnson as he sways ungainly in his contempt for the common people who were so easily won over. His view of the upland path as it nears the cliff edge is different to mine, he has a parachute to glide back down to earth as we the lemmings plunge to their death, he can always accept the offer from Donald of immunity from prosecution. 

Sent from my iPad

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