Monday 9 December 2019

A perspective on ourselves is sorely needed.

Subject: A perspective on ourselves is sorely needed

What is it we see in our walks, is it the decay or the rebirth, is it the changes or the sameness of it all. As we walk along the river bank or beside the road do we see ourselves in the action of walking or do we etch out our own presence as if we didn't exist. The wooden coppice by the river bank or the ploughed field, the quaint cottage with roses around the gate or the busy road, alive with traffic going somewhere but as we stand and stare do we ever include ourselves in the landscape.
Our lives are encompassed by the seasons, in winter, as now, the surroundings pared back, its as if nature, cut to the bone is patiently waiting the first warmth of spring. The animals in the hedgerows are sleeping, conserving their energy to survive the cold yet In a few months those same animals will be scampering around in a flurry of activity rebuilding their nests, replenishing a larder for when the cold comes again. 
Only we have devised ways of ignoring the seasons with our warm strong houses and the invention of the shop to keep us supplied all year round. Only we push back against the seasons, ignoring the cold in our warm fleeces, or the wet in our waterproofs. Only we create an environment fit for all seasons impervious to Mother Nature or things that are not part of our human design. Only we would think of putting back the clocks to suite our purpose to modify and sometimes crush the delicate balance which is naturally all around. 
In our blindness we see only what we want to see and ignore the rest, when powerful people feel threatened, as in the case of Galileo who found when he revealed  the sun didn't revolve around our planet and by extension, us, the power that rested in the church was so astounded to have it pointed out that it's divine teaching was discordant with fact. It almost cost him his life, the diktat of papal authority which saw itself central and in direct communication with the creator, couldn't stand the thought that the universe wasn't  some sort of cosy 'folk belief',  placing us at the centre of everything.
And so it is today with global warming.  The power is not the Pope but that vested in business and finance and almost collectively they have denied the scientific facts and the imminent disaster awaiting the planet. 
Mankind rarely learns. It keeps burning it's fingers insisting on the same old cliched methods of what it sees as it's survival.  Power in the wrong hands, yes but given that we are all so similar, who's hands should be given the job of guiding us through the next hundred years.

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