Monday 9 December 2019

Hatred of Johnny Foreigner

Subject: Hatred of Johnny Foreigner  

The political mind set is a remarkable thing. The Tory's are still ahead to win a majority at the election on the 12th even though their leader has been shown to be a man without integrity, a lier, a narcissist, unable to grasp the finer points of his Parties manifesto, who won't go head to head with Andrew Neil on the BBC for danger of being made to look a fool. This is the man who so many voters seem willing to forget all that in the drip feed of right wing propaganda against Jeremy Corbyn which has flowed virtually daily from the front pages of the Mail, the Express, the Sun, the Times and the Telegraph. If ever there was an establishment hatchet job done on the leader of a political party then this has been it. Despite the austerity program designed by George Osborn to peel down the services most of us need, the police, the health service, and local government which means virtually everything else, the populous is ready to return the man who mendaciously tried to bypass parliament in his obsession to take us out of Europe, come what may irrespective of the terms and the misery it will cause for a large proportion of those who will vote for him. The image of turkeys voting for Christmas comes to mind, so deep is their mythological hatred of Corbyn, conjured up by what they have been told he stands for. Boris's brother, Jo Johnson, also a conservative MP was so unhappy with what he saw was the direction of travel of the newly elected PM (Boris) that he resigned his ministerial position and also his seat in the Conservative party. Boris's sister Rachel has also been very dismissive of her brother suggesting she will vote Liberal at the election.
When those closest to you feel so aggrieved there has to be something wrong and what is wrong is their brothers willingness to gamble his country for the short term gains of the biggest 'short' laid against a country since George Soros shorted the pound in the 1970s. 
When you are prepared to gamble your countries financial prosperity and the prosperity of the bulk of its citizens then you know the ethical depths some people in the Tory Party are prepared to sink. From that weird specimen Rees-Mogg to Steve Baker, Dominic Raab, David Davis, Andrew Bridgen, Ian Duncan Smith, all desperate Brexiteers, to the 'dark money'  in the city who thrive of financial instability.
Would it be fair to accuse those Torys of having 'skin in the game', or is it purely an ideological hatred of Johnny Foreigner. 
The sums just don't add up for it being only ideological, coming out of our largest market and tying so much of our future financial prosperity on a trade deal with Donald Trumps America. There has to be either an inbred schism lying at the heart of their thinking, an island mentality where history has bred a distrust of continental Europe.
The people who voted to leave Europe did so after having had years of anti European propaganda from our own press, thrown at them day in and day out. Having stood years of Tory cut backs, the dire vision of future prosperity has developed in the poor outside the South  a "it couldn't be worse" mentality and the referendum gave them a chance to kick the established political opinion. Sadly the same source of political ideology, the Conservative Party reinvented itself and did a 180 degree U turn in lending their support to Boris Johnson who was prepared to back any course of action if it gave him the opportunity to move into Number 10.

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