Saturday 13 July 2019

The Johnson phenomena

Subject: FW: The Johnson phenomena

Does it matter for Britain that Boris Johnson looks likely to be the next Prime Minister.
Does it matter that Donald Trump is likely to win a second term of his presidency.
Does the grim politics played by Mr Putin or the President of China Xi Jimping matter in our daily deliberations obviously not since we also understand that there is little we can do if we disagree.
This frame of mind has serious consequences, not so much for our leaders but for ourselves. There was a time when leadership was a national pride thing and one felt a personal relationship for the outcome, but today with global politics and a stage which is too big for us to grasp the ramifications or the political consequences,, we rather slither away under a stone to ruminate on how different it used to be.
The lives of those we choose to lead us used to contain certain strategic values which, without those values a person was judged flawed and not fit for office. The values of honesty and truthfulness were paramount in our appraisal and we would no longer dream of supporting a lier that we would of insulting a friend.
But today we seem in a different land, where political commentary makes light of those virtues of telling the truth and skirts over false pronouncements in the past, as merely observations with little or no consequence. It's that term consequence which is missing. There seems no sense of the consequences to anything this political cabal says or does. The columnist simple dress up their articles with hyperbole as if they were writing fiction, keeping fact at bay at all costs. It's the cult of celebrity where glitzy and glamour are valued and political probity count for nothing.  

And so we have the gaff strewn years of Boris Johnson, air brushed to erase what, under normal circumstances, would be political suicide. Fake news has made us unable to judge these politicians by the standards we would judge ourselves, we are adrift in a sea of platitudes, cliche's and inescapable banality. We are adrift our compass spiked, no Star to guide us, no sense of a wise head who's collective experience would pull us through, lead us to a better place only a bunch of liars and deceit merchants who you wouldn't trust to sell you a used car

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