Tuesday 9 July 2019

From solipsist to Prime Minister

Subject: FW: From solipsist to Prime Minister

The word solipsist describes Boris Johnson well, it encapsulates him as being, ego driven, selfish, and self indulgence. A solipsist who believes  that "only ones 'own' mind is sure to exist, knowledge, or anything outside ones own mind is unsure and in the external world, other minds can't be known".
The national and world scene is accorded the same indulgence by Boris.  His compass, his lode stone, his magnetic personal power to influence, only bares on those he can see, which unfortunately excludes most of us and leaves us out in the cold.
Of course he is a narcissist and has little empathy or consideration for others, and yes he is arrogant and self-centred. He's manipulative, selfish and patronising, just the sort of chap we need to lead the country out of the hole we are in. There is no need for diplomacy, no need for consultative politics, no need for a plan, when bags of rhetoric will do.
Perhaps we need a Mussolini, a fascist voice to hypnotise the masses with un-affordable promises. Perhaps we need our cake today and the future will take care of itself.
The more I see of the chap on the political hustings, the more it seems we are in a Gilbert  & Sullivan operatic farce, where quick rhyming  repartee is applauded, irrespective of any meaningful message.
I suppose many Italians hated being represented by Berlusconi and millions of Americans are embarrassed by Trump, so if we have to put up with Boris for a couple of years it's no big deal. But is it. Doesn't it reflect the electorate in some way and doesn't it say something, if a sizeable number of people are persuaded to endorse him then perhaps the very understanding of the society we live in is also flawed.
If you have socialistic tendencies, (a reference to expanding your concern for society at large), one is amazed at the callous nature of people towards their own countrymen in rejecting even the most minimalist standard of support for the needy. If of course you are a 'free marketeer' then the position people are placed in is of their own making. Berlusconi, Trump and Thatcher were all for a top down easing of regulations and those pesky taxes some of us have to pay. With the benefit of an increased surplus from higher profits,  the infamous economic 'trickle down' is supposed to occur and the cycle of a cap in hand subservience starts. We queue at the  food bank' and thank our lucky stars we were not born in Syria. But being born in Syria is not the question, the question is, how have we reached such disparity in our own country. How have the 1% left us so far behind that increasing numbers need to factor in the food bank whilst the 1% look around for a yacht in Monte Carlo, whilst the government still cast around for ways to ease their tax burden further. In years gone by this would have brought people onto the streets but in today's world of stunted indifference we are cosseted by a new release on Netflix or the juicy profile of those 'people behaving badly' because they are truly in the gutter.
That heinous character Jeremy Kyle, manipulating inarticulate people to rage about a partner, is indicative of how low we as a society have sunk. The Kyle show had its following, the advertisers were happy to see the numbers tuning in and the authorities, as in the time of the Coliseum were happy to hear the roar as the lion took down another slave.
Boris as ringmaster cracking his whip, that self indulgent leer on his face, or is it the grin of a mentally challenged person, no matter, we are being primed to attend his coronation, after which all the preposterous things he promised will count for nothing, they were only said to ensure he obtains his life goal, that of becoming Prime Minister.

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