Saturday 13 July 2019

A lack of honesty

Subject: FW: A lack of honesty.

The opportunity to vote on who goes forward to contest the position for the new Prime Minister has been sullied by the claim that tactical voting has been used to 'out' a contestant who it was thought offered a greater challenge to Boris Johnson.
Of course the ability to vote for who ever you chose is your democratic right but is the democratic right not part of an assumption that who you vote for is the person you want to win. This must be especially so when the people voting is not Joe Blogs in the public bar of the Duck and Goose but people (politicians) we elected to carry forward the good name of our country, a name by which the country will be judged in the future for its probity.
Is there a place for the 'dark art' of tactical voting especially given that Boris Johnson has so many votes to play with, being so far ahead. The image of parliamentarians gathering in smoke filled rooms to plot against people they deem as the enemy, is hardly encouraging when we, the ordinary citizen are demonised if we don't practice total transparency in our morality on a whole range of social issues, even when those issues go against the grain. As voters we are critiqued if we don't turn up and vote at elections, we are said to miss  an opportunity to have our say, with the implication that we can't complain when the Governments policies which we don't like, are then enacted.
But this inevitably assumes that your cross on the ballot paper stands for something and reflects what you believe. If we all turned out to vote in a tactical way, one man's tactic to oppose one woman's tactic, heaven help us in the miss-mash which would result.
False news, now false voting, when will we stop and reflect the importance of truth. It may be a truth tainted by prejudice but at least it has the ring of an honest opinion, not the discombobulating lack of any sort of surety, when statements are made in the voting booth or the views given verbally by the politician in answer to a question.
The smokes and mirrors circus which seems to be the norm these days, the sound bites replacing statements of political intent and political intent is proved so  transitory.
 Where does it all leave the ordinary citizen, who always, sadly ends up bearing the brunt.

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