Friday 7 December 2018

Undergoing Hari kari

Subject: Undergoing Hari kari.
I was reading a critic about a couple of books which purport to say that Liberal values and the assumptions which go with them are heading nowhere in a world which becomes less a social group and more a gathering of individuals. Interwoven with this spectre of individuals all jostling for position regardless of others is the enforced segregation evolving as we try and fail to understand the cultural identity of others. 
The substance of our acceptance lies in our understanding that we, with some minor differences, have a sense of commonality through our customs and perhaps the recognisability of each other by the colour of our skin. In some ways the colour we see ourselves to be is like a flag, a sort of rallying position under which as we gather we assume other people will think and feel as we do. 
50 years ago this was not important and there will be many who think it's not important today. They will brush aside the fears of those in society who know that economically they have been left behind and blame much of their plight on the multicultural push. 
The sense of being a part of a nation used to mean that the people in that nation were all lookalikes sharing the same or similar religious norms and the same cultural affinity. 
Today this multicoloured, multi ethnic, multi religious nation, which was artificially thrown together for economic expediency has been bullied into submission, where to question the status quo is deemed, alongside blasphemy a punishable thing. Not quite with the severity of Pakistan but as we digress from the perceived wisdom of those who wish to educate and control us, the wrath of being charged with being a racist or a bigot has lasting consequences.
The interesting thing is that whilst we, dare I say, of an Anglo Saxon bent, whilst we are precluded from offering all but the weakest whimper at the changes rained on and around us, many of the culturally proud immigrants and their societies, (for they are still allowed to have a culturally recognised society), would fight tooth and nail to oppose any changes to their own culture.
The strength of their identity is tied up in their culture and religion, just the things "we" have had to trade to fit in to the new fully emancipated UK.
It seems crazy that a nation who has done so much on the world stage could be induced to undergo a type of national Hari Kari and worse, forced to feel proud about it.

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