Friday 7 December 2018

George H W Bush

George H W Bush

All funerals are special. They are a moment to reflect on ones memory of the person departed and also a reflection of ones own mortality.
Today it's the state funeral of George H W Bush the father of of George W Bush who is remembered for his reaction to the Twin Towers disaster and his the taking on the Taliban and Osama bin Laden as well as the fateful invasion of Iraqi and the removal of Saddam Husain. The father and son, both presidents, were close but very different men and as he waited for the coffin to begin its journey to the Washington Cathedral one could see the emotion held back as his father began his last journey.
There were of course no open carriages pulled by horses on whose horseback sit resplendently dressed horsemen. No marching troops dressed in regimental tunics depicting the glamour of their regiment, only the representatives of the army, navy and air force to carry the coffin. The Americans are always well drilled in this sort of pageant it's the simplicity versus the pageantry and one feels the occasion is more raw when not swaddled in tradition.
President H W Bush is the last of the old school, a man brought up to serve under arms for his country in far off wars which transformed the world for that generation and the generation afterwards in a symbolic organised compact which, but for a few blips, has held until today.
The measured and quietly spoken validation of the dead man was beautifully delivered by a historian who's main message was Bush's ability to always reach out across the isle and to always acknowledge his fellow man. Another came from an old Senator friend filled with poignant memories and the humour of men on top of their game.
His grandchildren and great grandchildren who came up to the pulpit to speak were all products of one of the most elite families in the United States. Their poise and presence were a delight and one could imagine the security of their upbringing and the quality of their education adding to their self absurdness under the spot light.
Finally his son, one of eight made his way to the pulpit to begin a journey of remembered early that had his family laughing happily at the memories. Only in the last moment when he described his final goodbye did George Junior break down for a moment before recovering. The eloquent had spoken and there was only the emotion left, that of son to father as the ties were finally severed leaving the son to stand alone.
All in all it was a worthy tribute to a man who lived his life in the fast lane, accomplishing things not by brute force but by consolidating everyone's position. A true gentleman.

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