Thursday 13 December 2018

Ignoring the wishes of 52% of the electorate.

As the tide goes out on Mrs Mays plan, plan A to fulfil the wishes of 52% of the British people or the plan B which was to do the opposite one has to wonder at the hyperbole and hoo ha surrounding the whole issue
From the disdain of the "Brexiteers" who say it's no problem to crash out since trade, even within the EU, won't wither away and it must be remembered that we will also be free to trade outside the EU. On the other side of the equation those "Remainders" who wish we could continue sitting  snug and safe within the cartel can only hope that things will go back to normal.
The question of supply routes and the method by which goods are now sent in a measured, continuous stream avoiding the need to hold stock, is a problem to be solved. As are the treaty agreements into which we have entered covering, amongst other things, flight management arrangements controlling traffic control in the sky. The important collaboration in research projects and the critical security information regarding terrorism all require good will, and all are negotiable. It's not as if we are some remote foreign power with round pin electrical sockets, as in the words of the old song, "we've been together now for 40 years".
It's also important that we recognise the standards the EU impose since they are based on best practise. We must beware the urge we often have in this country to cut corners solely for profit.
There will be tariffs, it's what the EU stands for, a protectionist group of nations who have closed their doors to those outside the cabal but who have also cobbled together good practice in so many areas. It's this good practice with regard to standards which I find so attractive, standards over profit are a yard stick I approve of.
The current hype to chuck out Mrs May seems a drama we don't need at the moment especially if it lets that buffoon Boris Johnson in as PM. Then the world will have real cause to wonder at our sanity.
But you know I wonder if it wasn't Mrs Mays plan from the start, given that she voted to "stay", and then proclaimed Brexit means Brexit. Perhaps it's been a ploy and that all along she meant to kick the decision down the road as far as she could by ignoring the structural hard line of the EUs position, on the assumption they will come around to our point of view eventually and if not, by delaying everything until the last minute and ensuring there is no time left, the MPs become unnerved at the thought of crashing out.
It looks, as I write, that she will retain her job but with Parliament as a a whole seemingly equally determined to reject her plan for withdrawal, which includes the hated Irish backstop parliament will reject her proposal and with Europe rejecting any other plan we are faced with "crashing out" or "staying in" with the added ramification that our democracy is holed below the waterline for ignoring the wishes of 52% of the electorate.

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