Friday 20 October 2017

The voice of reason

Subject: The voice of reason.

Of course people will say I am biased but have you ever heard such squawking these days when women politicians get their gander up and proclaim their political views.
Women generally have a higher pitched, more penetrating voice than the male. Its something to do with their often shorter stature and and the physical make up of their vocal box in which sound is generated after air from the lungs exits through the throat. Perhaps it's natures way of ensuring they have our attention. The screech of a highly excited female is a powerful weapon, ask any man who has had the misfortune to get on the wrong side of an argument. The sound cuts through any attempt at rational comment, and the male can only resort to a kowtowing retreat when faced with such high pitched vitriol.
We now have a number of female politicians who when in full vocal flight as they usually are, are unstoppable.
Listening to Ruth Davison the Scottish Conservative Party and Nicola Sturgeon leader of the SNP one is struck by their party oratory, unstoppable in sheer, impenetrable single minded moonshine.  The world as they wish to see it, ignoring the world as it is. Half truths and damn lies, all pronounced in a high pitched Scottish accent that brooks no interruption.
Whilst women bemoan their lack of parity, they wilfully ignore the fact that women lead their respective countries in the posts of Prime Minister of England and First Minister of Scotland, which in our system of parliamentary democracy means "their word is final".
Political power is so much more powerful than the power exercised by leaders in industry. Other than the George Soros' of this world, who create and break economies according to whim, political leaders are in all our pockets. The laws they conceive and implement have the power of the Courts and the Police behind them. They are the commander in chief of the armed forces and can use that force according to how they see fit. Their power and prestige far outweighs anything a business or religious leader could cobble together.   
And yet they still complain.
It's a strong man who will try to thwart a woman when she is really angry. Short of physical force which, even under extreme duress, a woman is protected by gender status, the so called weaker sex, they are more vulnerable, they make Machiavelli seem amateurish.
Somehow the power of politically oratory seems to be enhanced when a driven, politically adept woman takes to the stage. Man - the appeaser, the pacifier, is at a distinct disadvantage when faced with a pit bull like Nicola Sturgeon or a Margaret Thatcher.  Sturgeon's precise, clipped domineering tone takes no prisoners. Her contempt for opposition is blatant, her goal is to win at any cost and the thought of an alternative view, is preposterous.
And so we have another example of fake news, propagated by a media which thrives on disquiet. Women today have all the tools at their disposal to rise to the top. They can be just as cut throats in their desire to get there. Their looks and demeanour are cultivated from an early age to give them an advantage. It's an advantage no man would grumble about, the world would be far more dreary without their beauty but their insistence of always crying foul, is beginning to wear a bit thin.

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