Sunday 8 October 2017

A New Zealand coalition

Subject: A New Zealand coalition

Events in New Zealand, the result of an inconclusive result in the general election has meant that a combination of political objectives now have to coalesce into a shared agenda. Some people particularly in this country seem to think that this brings inefficient government as if efficient governance was the only format to aim for.
The argument that the economic mantra of, 'ever more efficiency' means greater profit to someone. This 'someone' is never really identified since to reveal that you, the ordinary voter would not be the beneficiary might make you behave, not like the hapless person you have become but rather value the wider spectrum of political opinion that a coalition of political views brings.
No one party has the gift of covering all the bases which the ordinary voter has in their political mindset.  Firstly he/she the ordinary voter has no specific agenda, no particular financial gain to make by choosing one party over another. Unlike a small influential minority who gain to benefit economically from one parties success over another, much of what we end up voting for is ideological, sometimes tribal.
On the periphery of the Main Street, parties, the single interest groups like the Greens have a very important voice and a simple agenda, to "save our planet". This aim is no mean task and should be in all our interests to take common sense precautions, just in case and if it wasn't for those 'other interests' those who have the power and the money to buy conflict and maintain the status quo. The Donald Trump "climate change" deniers
the "global warming" refuseniks, the sceptics have the resources to paint the Greens as some sort of sandal footed hippy who grizzle about anything which has the opportunity to make a buck or two. For years  solar power alternatives to fossil fuel pollution was deemed crazy until Elon Musk the South African born visionary began to define a motor vehicle industry away from the petrochemical industry with its multi billion dollar  investment capital, into a fast accelerating battery driven electric car industry.
The Greens were the ideological force and Elon Musk was the creative, entrepreneurial spark which give it the dollar stamp of "I must have".
From capitalism to socialism and everything in between, there are supporters, even messianic individuals who's voice we turn a deaf ear to at our peril. The collective voice is  always more inclusive, always concerned for the other person, the person and it may be you who is always in danger of being ignored.
Democracy, one man one vote, was designed to bring everyone into the tent and a hung parliament where consensus has to be sort, even the irritating voice and concerns of the Greens has to be considered and debated. There is nothing more frightening than an ideologically driven bully boy and too often in our politics here in the UK that's just what you get.

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