Sunday 7 May 2017

There was a window beyond which i could not see.

Subject: There was a window beyond which I could not see.

If history is a reflection of the past, a window into what happened at a certain time, an observation of what other people did at that moment. It cannot be judged and can only be reference to what current opinions are today but without stigma.
Actions of men and women, communities, societies, nations, are conditioned by the norms around them, just as we are today.  Victorians were different people to those which developed in Mesopotamia and different even to ourselves a 150 years later.
Our norms will become historic and people in the future may criticise us just as we seem keen to criticise our forebears. The values of any society are moulded by the make up of that society and its current experiences.
One of the defining traits of Political Correctness is the almost messianic assurance that they are right and that their judgements are infallible. Like most people who believe they are infallible, (religion comes to mind), they are implacably opposed to other points of view and will go to any lengths to close down dissent for their narrow philosophy.
We of the great unwashed are easily persuaded since we have no focus, no messianic to bind us. Like lowly cattle we are easily guided into this pen or that, fodder for the small clique who wish to indoctrinate us some more. Of how to think since if you can capture how a man or woman conceptualises the world around them you have them captive in their own thoughts and actions. Once again religion comes to mind.

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