Sunday 7 May 2017

The Vicars Daughter

Subject: The Vicars daughter.

It never ceases to amaze me that people are so easily led, led by the nose, led by what the newspapers feed them, by what they hear on their TV. 
In this age of celebrity the prime minister has to be first and foremost, charismatic, the issue of politics and Manifesto are relegated to incidental. Even in terms of political pronouncement it comes to us through the filter of analysis by the pundit.
What hope a world filled and fed on sound bites, of twitter feeds, artificially specified to limit the number of words no matter how complex the issue which needs explaining.
Subliminally we are becoming myopic, turned on and off by a flash of light that in its fleeting moment has some information which we absorb by osmosis not really aware that our brains have been changed by these repeated messages, no matter how banal.
Politics used to have content, it was absorbed and valued by the relevance it made for "us" and our specific economic situation. It spoke to the situation we were in and we were fairly certain that our aims and needs were catered for by this party or that. The effectiveness of the party was of less relevance than its stated desire since we understood the difficulties in a complex world where the odds were stacked against us.
Today we see whole swathes of working class Labour voters voting for the Tories on the basis that Jeremy Corbyn has been repeatedly painted as the village idiot, a mantra which has become the bread and butter of certain powerful news papers and media outlets.
The editing of the TV broadcast with an initial attack on Corbyn and then a prognosis of ills which can only be due to his leadership, is the everyday script of most of the mainstream soothsayers. No mention that it has been many years since the Labour Party was in power and the list of ills which beset the country now are the direct result of Tory policy. 
The list is endless as we track back to 1970s NHS waiting times. The inability to build houses to meet the affordability of working class incomes and the fact that in the public sector the affordability has been hampered by pay rise freezes dating back seven years. Our schools in many areas have become, once again, merely holding pens for dissatisfied youth who on leaving school are faced with not having any relevant skills and a bleak job market of underpaid temporary work.
This massive indictment of the Conservative party is barely heard in the cacophony  of character assassination reined down each day, month in, month out on Corbyns head. No analysis of what he is saying, no acceptance of the financial disaster some families are now facing, only the ceaseless corruption of the man's character.
It's a bleak world we are facing post Brexit made intolerably worse by a Tory led, vicars daughter who is insensitive to criticism and insensitive to the harm she will knowingly inflict on whole swathes of this nation.

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