Thursday 4 May 2017

Nationhood and the Kafkaesque State


Subject: Nationhood and the kafkaesque State.

Consider the difference between a nation and a state.
A 'state' is a multi ethnic, multi cultural collection of people and beliefs. A 'nation' is a ethnic and culturally the same collection of people who can be recognised by their sameness.
Under these definitions Scotland Ireland and Wales are 'nations' and England is a 'state' given its wholesale diversity, wilfully carried out by successive governments for wholly economic reasons. The arguments in Scotland and Ireland about needing recognition and independence for ethnic reasons was lost on the English decades ago as the people succumbed to the onslaught of multiculturalism. The tools used, such as political correctness was the equivalent of placing non believers in the stocks in the market place and pelting them with ripe fruit. The fussed up odium, mostly in the chattering classes in London who had at their disposal the press and the media to reinforce their prejudice meant that it was a brave individual who stuck his or her head above the parapet.
Part of the smoke screen to persuade people that their nationality was intact was the move away from calling themselves English and rather say, we are British, a term of inclusiveness to include the Scots, Irish and Welsh whist disguising the dismantling of England as a Nation and replacing it as a State. There were deliberate moves put out by the establishment to make talking about being English inappropriate and slightly racist. Any attempt to convert the English to think of themselves as a sovereign nation (impossible now given my definition of nationhood and the multicultural mix we now have), with parliament attempting to devote itself to recognising questions which were wholly concerned with matters within the boarders of England ran into all kinds of headwind and constitutional problems.
With decades of Tory right wing rule in London committed to dismantling the welfare state and the public sector those nations such as Scotland, with a far finer appreciation of the society it sees itself a part of and the damage the London based government seems determined to inflict on the "uneducated hooligan white van man, St George flag flying louts", is not in their own pedigree. Un-inflected as it is to anywhere near the same degree as the elitist public school mentality in England which is myopic to the pain and suffering it imposes on that very 'nation' it has reduced to a "kafkaesque state". 

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